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Magickal Tips

Magickal Tip #38

Magickal Tip #38 - Carry a piece of juniper for luck.

Magickal Tip #37

Magickal Tip #37 - Add lime to your food for protection.

Full Moon Tip - January's Wolf Moon

The Wolf Moon in January is time to release the past. Look toward the future and rid yourself of the burdens that hold you.

Magickal Tip #36

Magickal Tip #36 - For better intuition in your magick, work on Monday.

Magickal Tip 35

Magickal Tip #35 - Inspire your creativity with magick done on Friday.

Magickal Tip #34

Magickal Tip #34 - To influence emotions, perform your magick on Monday.

Magickal Tip #33

Magickal Tip #33 - Hot sauce can be used to make someone feel guilt or remorse.

Mercury goes Direct - January 8, 2017

Mercury goes direct on January 8, 2017 at 4:43am EST

Magickal Tip #32

Magickal Tip #32 - Hot sauce can move someone away from you.

Magickal Tip #31

Magickal Tip #31 - Keep hematite in each room of your home to absorb negative energy.   In lieu of the actual stone you can purchase our Hematite Crystal Remedy and use it to dispel negativity.   

Magickal Tip #30

Magickal Tip #30 - Magick for health is good on Thursday. Try our Morning Glory Flower Remedy to help develop healthy habits. 

Uranus goes direct on December 29, 2016

Uranus goes direct on December 29, 2016. Uranus is the planet that rules over Aquarius and represents the future, new technology, and surprises.

Magickal Tip #29

Magickal Tip #29 - Start the day with gratitude. It will change your vibration for the entire day and energize everything you do. Our Balance Nature's Remedy goes perfectly with gratitude to make the most of your day.   

Magickal Tip #28

Magickal Tip #28 - Add red glitter to any spell that needs a fast power boost.

Magickal Tip #27

Magickal Tip # 27 - Use ginger for financial gain.

Happy Yule!

Happy Winter Solstice!

Sabbat Tip - Yule

Yule Magickal Tip - Concentrate on spells and rituals for rebirth and growth as the Sun is reborn.

Sabbat Tip - Yule

Yule Magickal Tip - Burning a Yule Log of oak or pine will bring good fortune all year long,

Sabbat Tip - Yule

Yule Magickal Tip - It is time to enjoy the long night and celebrate the rise of the new sun and the new life it will bring.

Super Moon in December 2016

The Long Nights Moon in December 2016 will be the last Super Moon of 2016. This moon is also referred to as the Cold Moon.The Super Moon is when the moon is in perigee and is the closest to the Earth in it's orbit. Enjoy!

Magickal Tip #26

Magickal Tip #26 - Wednesday gives an extra boost to your magick.

Magickal Tip #25

Magickal Tip #25 - Sprinkle empowered garlic powder around your home, inside and out, to keep evil away.

Magickal Tip #24

Magickal Tip #24 - Hang a braid of garlic over a sick bed. It traps negative energy. Dispose of it, once you are done.

Magickal Tip #23

Magickal Tip #23 - Add garlic to protection incense.

Magickal Tip #22

Magickal Tip #22 - Magick to build or repair friendships are best done on Friday.

Magickal Tip #21

Magickal TIp #21 - Love magick is empowered on Friday.

Magickal Tip #20

Magickal Tip #20 - Put the name of someone bothering you in a baggie of water in the freezer to 'freeze' their actions.

Magickal Tip #19

Magickal Tip #19 - Something bugging you? Let it go. Flush it out of your life. Write it on a piece of toilet paper. Flush it while visualizing the problem going down and away.

Magickal Tip #18

Magickal Tip #18 - Magickal work done for an enterprise should be done on Wednesday.

Super Moon in November 2016

The Snow Moon in October 2016 will be a Super Moon. This moon is also referred to as the Beaver, Frost, and Mourning Moon.The Super Moon is when the moon is in perigee and is the closest to the Earth in it's orbit. Enjoy!

Full Moon Tip - November's Snow Moon

The Snow Moon in November is a time of inner reflection. Honestly access what you do and why. November 14, 2016.

Magickal Tip #17

Magickal Tip #17 - Spend 20 minutes each day the you can outside during the winter months. Lack of sunlight can affect your energy, focus, and attitude

Magickal Tip #16

Magickal Tip #16 - To influence dreams, perform your magick on Monday.

Magickal Tip #15

Magickal Tip #15 - Courage magick will have an extra boost if performed on Tuesday.

Magickal Tip #14

Magickal Tip #14 - Communication magick is best done on a Wednesday.


Happy Samhain!

Black Moon in Scorpio

Black Moons are the fourth new moon in a season. Known to be extra song for new moon workings. The Black Moon tonight is in Scorpio and the last one for 2016. Enjoy!

Sabbat Tip - Samhain

Samhain Magickal Tip - It is time to honor your ancestors and the loved ones that have passed on.

Sabbat Tips - Samhain

Sabbat Magickal Tip - As the veil thins, be sure and leave out an offering for the Unseelie Court.

Sabbat Tips - Samhain

Samhain Magickal Tip - If you catch a falling leaf on Samhain, it will bring good fortune all winter.

Magickal Tip # 13

Magickal Tip #13 - Add coffee to a bath to break your curse.

Magickal Tip #12

Magickal Tip #12 - Burn powdered cloves for protection against magickal attacks.

Mercury Retrograde - December 19, 2016!

Mercury Retrograde occurs December 19, 2016 at 5:55am. Mercury affects communication and technology.

Magickal Tip#11

Magickal Tip #11 Carry a clove for courage.

Full Moon Tip - October's Blood Moon

The Blood Moon reigns over October! This is a wonderful time to start new projects and habits. Start to create and build the life you want! October 16, 2016

Supermoon in October 2016

The Hunter/ Blood Moon in October 2016 will be a Super Moon. The Super Moon is when the moon is in perigee and is the closest to the Earth in it's orbit. Enjoy!

Full Moon Tip - December's Long Nights Moon

The Long Nights Moon is the time to remove all that is unnecessary in your life. December 13, 2016

Magickal Tip #10

Magickal Tip #10 - Saturday is a good day to neutralize obstacles.