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Magickal Tips

Magickal Tip #9

Magickal Tip #9 - Drive railroad spikes into the ground at the corners of your property to anchor you to it.

Magickal Tip #8

Magickal Tip #8 - Add sugar to a spell to attract money.

Magickal Tip #7

Magickal Tip #7 - Add barley to food when healing is needed.

Magickal Tip #6

Magickal Tip #6 - Keep basil leaf in your wallet with your money to have it return to you in abundance.

Magickal Tip #5

Magickal Tip #5 - Burn bay leaves to reverse a curse.

Magickal Tip # 4

Magickal Tip #4 - Use black salt to dispel negativity and protect boundaries.

Magickal Tip #3

Magickal Tip #3 Serve apple pie with cinnamon to improve family relations.

Happy Mabon!

Happy Autumn Equinox!

Sabbat Tip - Mabon

Sabbat Tip for Mabon - It is time to finish old business as we ready for a period of rest, relaxation, and reflection.

Sabbat Tip - Mabon

Sabbat Tip for Mabon - Scatter offerings on harvested fields and gardens to give thanks to the land.

Sabbat Tip - Mabon

Sabbat Tip for Mabon - To protect from a harsh winter, do not waste food on this holiday.  Make sure you clean your plate!

Magickal Tip #2

Magickal Tip #2 Add cinnamon to a spell to give it extra power and speed.

Magickal Tip #1 Cinnamon Tea

Magickal Tip #1 - Pour cinnamon tea on the front step of your business to bring in customers and their money.