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Crystal Tips

Crystal Tips - Celestite

Celestite - Celestite brings balance, hope, harmony, serenity, a sense of calmness and inner peace while removing despair, stress, and anxiety. It promotes happiness and opens up communication channels. It helps with astral travel and dream recollection. Charissa's Cauldron offers Celestite Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. Visit the shop for this and other great remedies!

Crystal Tips - Cat's Eye

Cat's Eye - Cat's Eye stimulates intuition and enhances awareness, brings hapiness, serenity, generosity, confidence, and optimism. It grounds and transforms negative thoughts into positive energy. Use it for determination, strength of mind, steadfastness, willpower, moral courage, tenacity, vigour, resolve, self control, intelligence, and knowledge. Charissa's Cauldron offers Cat's Eye Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. Visit the shop for this and other great remedies!

Crystal Tips - Carnelian

Carnelian - Carnelian aids in overcoming introverted traits and becoming more outgoing and assertive enabling one to take more initiative. It can bring confidence and clarity and help to overcome fear and can increase energy and passion. Use Carnelian to become more motivated and overcome procrastination. Charissa's Cauldron offers Carnelian Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. Visit the shop for this and other great remedies!

Crystal Tips - Calcite

Calcite - Calcite is a calming crystal as well as an amplifier and cleansing stone. It connects intellect with emotions, calms the mind, teaches discernment, stimulates insights, and boosts memory. It aids in psychic abilities and reaching a higher state of consciousness. Charissa's Cauldron offers Calcite Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. Visit the shop for this and other great remedies!

Crystal Tips - Botswana Agate

Botswana Agate - Botswana Agate is a grounding stone, lifting away stress, eliminating anger, resentment, and bitterness, and helping to crawl out of depression while dealing with emotional distress. It stimulates the crown chakra, boosts intuition, and creativity stimulating intellect and rational thought. It is used in purifcation and detoxification making it helpful to those overcoming addiction. Charissa's Cauldron offers Botswana Agate Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life....

Crystal Tips - Boji Stone

Boji Stone - Boji Stones are powerful grounding and healing stones. They balance the male and female energies within the body. Usually sold in pairs, a female stone and a male stone, they are helpful in healing emotional problems by clearing out thought patterns or learned behaviors that no longer serve us. When grounding, hold one in each hand and feel them pull your energy down into your body.

Crystal Tips - Blue Onyx

Blue Onyx - Blue Onyx is a balancing stone helping to gain emotional balance and self control. It gives strength to those under mental or emotional stress and is a grounding and focusing stone. Use it for regeneration, happiness, intuition, and as an aid to change bad habits. Charissa's Cauldron offers Blue Onyx Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. Visit the shop for this and other great remedies!

Crystal Tips - Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate - Blue Lace Agate opens the throat chakra bringing more clarity in expressing thoughts and feelings. It is a calming crystal alleviating anger, fear, nervous tension, anxiety, and stress to sooth and center the mind to bring composure and inner stability. Charissa's Cauldron offers Blue Lace Agate Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. Visit the shop for this and other great remedies!

Crystal Tips - Bloodstone

Bloodstone - Bloodstone increases mental clarity and aids in decision making. It stimulates creativity, dreaming, and heightens intuition, It is helpful in easing misunderstandings and helps with communication. It increases courage and strength and motivation. Bloodstone has a strong grounding energy and will aid the heart and sacral chakra. Charissa's Cauldron offers Bloodstone Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. Visit the shop for this and other great remedies!

Crystal Tips - Beryl

Beryl - Beryl relieves stress and anxiety, reduces over stimulation, filters out distractions, sheds unwanted emotional baggage, and calms the mind. It can enhance courage and encourage a positive world view and reawaken love for self and others. It opens and activates the crown chakra and solar plexus chakra. Charissa's Cauldron offers Beryl Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. Visit the shop for this and other great remedies!

Crystal Tips - Azurite

Azurite - Azurite is restorative for balance and control of emotions. It aids in relieving stress, confusion, worry, and indecision. It enhances focus, concentration, memorization, and retention of information. It is great for exams, interviews, presentations, and negotiations. Azurite is beneficial for anyone living alone or in a hospital or dormitory situation helping with mental alertness, physical health, and independence. Charissa's Cauldron offers Azurite Crystal Remedy to bring these properties...

Crystal Tips - Azeztulite

Azeztulite - Azeztulite opens up energy pathways to aid in relieving pain and discomfort. It can benefit chronically ill people by strengthening will and encourages the sick to heal more quickly. It can enhance creativity, inspiration, wisdom, success, and manifestation. Charissa's Cauldron offers Azeztulite Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. Visit the shop for this and other great remedies!

Crystal Tips - Aventurine

Aventurine is a stone of personal growth and all around healing. It comforts, provides soothing energy, harmonizes, loosens, and releases negativity and energy blockages. It is known to increase intelligence, perception, and creativity. It is an attraction stone, bringing good luck and abundance. Charissa's Cauldron offers Aventurine Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. Visit the shop for this and other great remedies!

Crystal Tips - Atacamite

Atacamite - Atacamite opens the third eye and heals the throat chakra. It aids in psychic visions, contact with the spiritual realm and increases the intensity of clairvoyance and clairaudience. It aids in meditation and communication. Charissa's Cauldron offers Atacamite Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life.

Crystal Tips - Aragonite

Aragonite - Aragonite provides strength to face your fears while boosting self-confidence. It relieves stress and emotional fatigue and increases energy. It helps to control anger and bring patience when needed. Charissa's Cauldron offers Aragonite Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life.

Crystal Tips - Aquamarine

Aquamarine inspires truth, trust, and letting go. It has calming energies, reduces stress, and quiets the mind. It is a stone of courage and good luck. It provides protection for all of those who travel by, over, or near water. Charissa's Cauldron offers Aquamarine Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life.      

Crystal Tips - Apophyllite

Apophyllite enhances intuition, clairvoyance, visions, and sensitivity. It will assist in connecting with spirit guides and guardian angels. This crystal sharpens instincts and senses while releasing mental blocks and negative thought patterns. It aids with burnout while energizing one with enthusiasm.  Charissa's Cauldron offers Apophyllite Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. http://charissascauldron.com/collections/crystals-gemstones/products/apophyllite-crystal-remedy 

Crystal Tips - Apatite

Apatite assists in building self-confidence while stimulating imagination, creativity, and intellect. It enhances insight, psychic abilities, and assists in letting go of that which is no longer of use. It promotes strength of will and dissolves negativity.  Charissa's Cauldron offers Apatite Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. http://charissascauldron.com/collections/crystals-gemstones/products/apatite-crystal-remedy 

Crystal Tips - Apache Tears

Apache Tears help to relieve anxiety and sustain one at times of great sorrow and grief. It protects against negative energies as well as psychic attacks and the drain from psychic vampires. Use it to clear the aura of negative energy and make way for more positive healthy energies. Charissa's Cauldron offers Apache Tears Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. http://charissascauldron.com/collections/crystals-gemstones/products/apache-tears-crystal-remedy 

Crystal Tips - Ametrine

Ametrine Crystal combines the properties of Amethyst and Citrine. It opens the third eye chakra, promotes psychic development, calms the mind, and clears stress and tension. It promoted healing, releasing blockages and negative emotional programming. It protects against psychic attack. Charissa's Cauldron offers Ametrine Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. http://charissascauldron.com/collections/crystals-gemstones/products/ametrine-crystal-remedy 

Crystal Tips - Amethyst

Amethyst Crystals guard against psychic attack, relieve stress, dispel anger, balance mood swings, open intuition, and enhance psychic development. It relieves insomnia and aids in remembering and understanding dreams. It calms, soothes, improves motivation, protects, and cleanses. Charissa's Cauldron offers Amethyst Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. http://charissascauldron.com/collections/crystals-gemstones/products/amethyst-crystal-remedy 

Crystal Tips - Angelite

Angelite Crystal will help one gain balance, peace, tranquility, calm, and focus. It can assist one in astral travel and has been used to call on angels for support and guidance. It can heighten sensory awareness and remove blockages to communication. Charissa's Cauldron offers Angelite Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. http://charissascauldron.com/collections/crystals-gemstones/products/angelite-crystal-remedy 

Crystal Tips - Amazonite

Amazonite Crystals provide a filter of information passing through the brain and combines it with intuition while opening the Third Eye. It calms the brain and nervous system soothing and blocking stress and emotional trauma. Amazonite dispels negative energy and aggravation, alleviates worry and fear, opens up the ability to see both sides of a problem and different points of view. It heals and opens both the heart and throat...

Crystal Tips - Amber

Amber Crystals ease stress by balancing the emotions and clearing phobias and fears. It releases negative energy to clear the mind and increases confidence, mental clarity and creative self-expression. Charissa's Cauldron offers Amber Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. http://charissascauldron.com/collections/crystals-gemstones/products/amber-crystal-remedy 

Crystal Tips - Alexandrite

Alexandrite Crystals can stimulate imagery, imagination, and expand creativity. It opens metaphysical abilities and intuition while it enhances manifestation. In addition it aids in building self-respect, strong will, and personal magnetism. It can teach you how to expend less effort for better results.  Charissa's Cauldron offers Alexandrite Crystal Remedy to bring these properties into your life. http://charissascauldron.com/collections/crystals-gemstones/products/alexandrite-crystal-remedy